Purpose & Pace



January 31, 2023

Your purpose determines your pace

The Revealing Walk

We were fully adjusted to the new time zone and ready for our regular exercise routine - a three to four-mile walk before the day started. Both my husband and I were excited to walk alongside the pacific beach and take in the air on our brisk walk. We were about 10 minutes into the exercise when we realized we would have to maneuver through what looked like a mob of people - tourists who had gotten up early to catch the waves or grab breakfast at the famous spots on the island. What were we thinking? We could barely hit the heart rate we hoped without bopping and weaving through what appeared to be an afternoon-like crowd close to 8:15 in the morning. We were just about to cross the street to make a loop around the block when we saw a sweet older couple walking towards us. It was clear they were on vacation, and as we marched in place, in time to cross, they looked at us and said, “Y’all are walking too fast; you need to slow down.” We chuckled; if our outfits didn’t give it away, I’m not sure what else could have, but I responded, “ we are working out and need to reach our steps.” We laughed as they made their way to their destination. But not long after the interaction, I heard the Holy Spirit whisper, “Your purpose determines your pace.” My husband and I aimed to reach a goal of 12,000 steps within a specific time frame, so our pace was fast. The couple’s goal was to enjoy the island, so they walked much slower—two different purposes and, therefore, two different paces. I believe the same is true regarding our purpose in life.

Your purpose determines your pace

Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a huge crowd of witnesses to the life of faith, let us strip off every weight that slows us down, especially the sin that so easily trips us up. And let us run with endurance the race God has set before us”.

Hebrews 12:1 NLT

According to Hebrews 12:1, God has set a race before us, a path God has carved out for us to walk or run. And depending on the course or purpose He has for us, it will require a certain pace to walk it out. Ephesians 2:10 tells us that we are God's masterpieces (something super unique and valuable) created to do works He planned long ago. God has a plan for you, and it was well-intentioned, thoroughly planned out, divinely resourced, and uniquely crafted for you to bring God glory.

God has created us with specific capacities and cadences, inclinations and motivations, and He knows best what pace will build our faith and bring us peace and strength as we continue to run the race or purpose He has for us. The challenge lies when we think someone else's purpose or season is more fabulous or fulfilling than ours. We begin comparing, which then leads to discontentment. Or we shift toward doing their purpose instead of what God has carved out for us and, without realizing it, begin to walk at a pace crafted for them and not for us, leading to exhaustion, disillusionment, confusion, and bitterness.

A Real Life Example

I was recently on my business social media account, viewing a post from a fellow artisan who started her business within the last two years. She had recently shifted her business model and told us about her company's new adventure and success. I was happy for her but found myself drifting quickly into the abyss of discouragement. Insecure feelings grew as I clicked on her profile page to see how many followers she had to prove the raging thoughts swirling in my head, “you are not good enough; she is better than you; look at what she has developed in just a short amount of time.” And, of course, she had triple the amount of followers I have and loyal customers championing her products in her IG stories. As you can imagine, I began questioning my credibility as a business owner. I have been in the business for over five years and only have a few followers to prove. Not to mention the lack of markers that point to business growth and development and by who's standard, anyway? At this point, I felt like crawling into the corner of my home office, crouching with a warm blanket over my head, to craft the best way to call it quits. Then I remembered what the Holy Spirit shared on the walk, "Your purpose determines your pace." I perked up and began climbing out of the crazy hole of despair because I knew what He was telling me.

You see, in addition to running a small business and all the logistics that come along with it, I am foremost a wife and mom, I serve as the women's director at my local church, I travel to speak for ministry, and I work as the Executive Director of a non-profit organization. I know it's a lot, and some days I wonder if I am crazy to juggle these responsibilities, but I state this to highlight that I have my hands and head in many buckets. Therefore, my pace will differ from this incredible artisan I was comparing myself with, which wasn't fair. I have chosen to divide my capacity among these responsibilities as I believe it is my purpose this season; hers is different and likely solely focused on her business and family. So her outcome looks different from mine, and so will the pace of getting there. What a relief! The same holds for you.

How To Embrace Your God-given Pace

We do this by keeping our eyes on Jesus, the champion

who initiates and perfects our faith.

Hebrews 12:2a NLT

What God calls you to do in this life season determines the pace for the expected outcome He has for you. And the best way to stay focused on the race and the pace God has for you is by fixing your eyes on Jesus and looking at His example of endurance as He ran His race to the cross. Not only will you experience peace when you set your thoughts, commit your plans, and stay in prayer with Jesus, your faith will be strengthened. Perhaps you serve in ministry and wonder when it will develop and make the impact you believe. Or you are looking at your professional trajectory, trying to figure out why it is taking so long to get noticed for promotion despite your awards and accolades in your company. Maybe you find your friends advancing in life's joys and wonder when your turn will come. Whatever your circumstance, remember the purpose God has for you determines the pace at which He wants you to fulfill it. Through prayer, worship, and study of God’s word, fix your eyes on Jesus as you seek to understand His purpose and embrace the pace to run the race He has crafted for you.

Personalize This!

How does this resonate with you?

Are there areas in your life where you feel you have been walking at a different pace from what God has for you?

What adjustments do you need to make?

Hebrews 12:2 holds the key to staying focused in our race at the pace God has carved for us. Read it, memorize it, pray it.


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