Whose timeline are you on?
Image by Jiyeon Park
It all started when my feet hit the ground on a Wednesday morning last spring. I was the first one up. The house was silent as if no one was in it. I barely uttered a word and yet my head was already bombarded with several thoughts. Thoughts on how the day would unfold, what tasks needed to be done, and what emergent needs had to be addressed. But one thought seemed to have an amplifying sound; a sound so loud, it buried every other thought vying for my attention, “what are you doing with your life? Your friends are accomplishing so much, but you? what are you doing?” The effects of hearing that thought crippled my confidence. Discouragement tagged along for the ride, and within ten minutes of waking up, I desperately needed God to get me out of the spiral of despair.
Have you ever wondered if you are right on target with what you should be doing? Or have you visited your social media page, only to walk away feeling so down because your friends seem to be living their best life while you are still finding yours out? Can I just let you know something? Your time is in God’s hands. I hope this video offers encouragement to you as my prayer walk with the Lord that Wednesday morning did.